

Katie O’Connell 

Ayurvedic Health Practitioner, Ayurveda Yoga Therapist, E-RYT 500, Thai Yoga Therapist, Reiki II Practitioner. (The AYT component of Katie’s teaching is based on credentials from California College of Ayurveda; her Thai Yoga Therapy certifications are based on credentials from Peter Kaberbol Kristensen, LagoCph, Sunny Klaber of Integral Travel, and T’ai Jamar Hannah, Reflections Yoga, and separate from her status as an E-RYT with Yoga Alliance Registry).

Katie’s interest and experience in Ayurveda began over 40 years ago as a young child in the arms of her mother who often administered teas, tinctures, natural remedies, and energy work to cure or soothe common maladies. Her family valued home-grown veggies and dinners created together in a farmhouse kitchen full of healthy food and made from scratch. Ailments were discussed around the table with herbal remedy books opened wide, and essential oils were always at arm’s length ready to use for cuts, headaches, or a sour stomach. By the time she got to high school, Katie’s mother was making lip balms, body oils, face creams, and tinctures at home, often with flowers or herbs grown just outside the door. Many years steeped in this wholesome environment led Katie to her current role as a full-time yoga teacher, Ayurvedic Health Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, and wellness & yoga retreat leader.

Katie is an Ayurvedic Health Practitioner and graduate of New World Ayurveda and Dr. Paul Dugliss, MD, one of only four schools certified by AAPNA, the Association of Ayurvedic Practitioners of North America.  She is also certified in Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy  by the California College of Ayurveda (AAPNA & NAMA) and trained by Sri Devi Marisa Jackson-Kinman and Dr. Shiva Marc Halpern with whom she also studied the ancient practice of Yoga Nidra.  Katie currently offers full Ayurveda consultations including pulse diagnosis, private and group Ayurveda classes, principles of Ayurveda workshops, Dosha-specific yoga classes, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy, Thai Yoga bodywork, and Yoga & Ayurveda retreats at Dragonfly Yoga Barn in North Sandwich, NH, India, and Central America.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda (pronounced “eye-your-vay-da”) is a holistic system of health and well being that has its roots in ancient India and pre-dates every other medical system on the planet.  The wisdom and practice of Ayurveda is 5,000 + years old, and some suggest it is considerably older. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means “science of life,” and it is often referred to as the “sister science of Yoga.”

However strange the Sanskrit words (Dosha, Agni, Ama, Ojas, etc.) might sound, there is nothing about Ayurveda that is inexplicable. It is a very ancient, practical method of understanding life. It teaches us to learn our own unique nature (constitution) and the effects that different natures have on it. These other natures can take the form of climate & seasons, foods, other people in our lives, where we live on the planet, toxins in the environment, or even one’s career. Disease is understood as imbalance of our true nature. The cure is based on the knowledge of how our body’s energy functions in relation to that of nature, using the harmonizing energies of foods, spices, and herbs to bring us into balance. In short, Ayurveda is based on simple but profound principles that take into consideration each person’s unique constitution (nature), allowing diet and lifestyle recommendations to be tailored to each individual based on one’s needs.

With the proper diet and use of spices, the right lifestyle, and the use of herbs, cleansing practices, and therapies such as massage, Ayurveda intends to bring balance to the mind, body, and spirit, and to act as a preventative medicine that can stave off dis-ease and promote optimal health and well being.

Ayurveda & The Five Elements: The Doshas

The science of Ayurveda recognizes the earth’s five elements and their existence in the universe around us as well as the universe within us.  Everything we can sense and experience in nature and the cosmos is evident in our own bodies and minds.  Ether, air, fire, water, and earth form the various components of our physiology, our minds, and in our energetic bodies. The five elements organize into three Doshas known as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Vata Dosha is composed of the elements of Air and Space. It is responsible for all forms of movement, transportation, and communication in the body.

Pitta Dosha is composed of Fire and Water and is the energy responsible for all metabolic processes in the body including digestion, metabolism, and transformation of food and experiences. It is also regulates body temperature.

Kapha Dosha includes the Water and Earth elements of the body and mind. It comprises the body’s substance and mass and provides the body with lubrication, strength, and structure. It supplies water to body parts and skin and maintains the immune system.

Ayurveda Consultations & Packages

IMG_1766Ayurvedic Consultation: A 90+ minute consultation includes a comprehensive intake including pulse and tongue diagnosis, doshic imbalances, health concerns and remedies, including use of herbal formulas, aromas, and lifestyle recommendations. Full consultation: $150 (includes follow up email after appointment). Check up appointments (30-45 minutes): $75. Remote consultations are available. Email Katie at dragonflyoga@gmail.com to learn more, or call (603) 707-7529 to set up your personal session soon. Appointments fill quickly!

Cancellation Policy:
We have a 24-Hour Cancellation Policy.  Please cancel your appointment 24 hours in advance by phone and during business hours to avoid being charged. If you miss your appointment, or cancel the day of your appointment, you forfeit your appointment fee.   We require payment in advance to reserve any service or therapy.

Ayurvedic Cleansing and Ayurveda Yoga Therapy Offerings:

Seasonal Cleansing: DETOX, REFRESH, & RENEW Your Body and Mind!

Our Traditional Ayurvedic Cleanse gives clients an opportunity to clear stagnant energy, clean out the channels of our digestion and elimination by rooting out toxins in our bodies and processed foods in our diets, lose those stubborn pounds, create and learn how to sustain a healthier diet, lifestyle, and how to navigate our way back into balance after periods of stress or illness.

Many people cleanse annually, although it is recommended in both Spring and Fall to help you maintain optimal health year round. The traditional Ayurveda cleanse is a 15-21-day cleanse with a mono diet of Kitchari (a thick soup made with rice, dahl, and Indian spices) offered in the middle week.  Along with ghee, fresh fruits and veggies, and whole grains, the Ayurvedic cleanse is light but wholesome, and it supports body, mind, and spirit, making it sustainable and a healthy option for almost everyone.

OUR NEXT GUIDED CLEANSE BEGINS: — and includes initial group meeting with intro to Ayurvedic cleansing, instructions & a mini-cooking class on ZOOM, 2 yoga classes to support you during your cleanse, online FB group, weekly Zoom meetings to keep you on track, handouts, recipes, and three weeks of group support from Katie!  Register on the Seasonal Cleanse page of this website for only $149.  We recommend you purchase your cleanse kit from Banyan Botanicals. There is a local pick up option for those residing near Dragonfly. To learn more or join our next cleanse, please email: dragonflyoga@gmail.com

images-6What’s My Dosha, and Why Does it Matter? Workshop for Groups: The word Ayurveda means “the science of life,” and together with yoga, it is a comprehensive system for how to live a well-balanced, healthy, and happy life. Katie’s presentation will include basic Ayurvedic principles (5 elements, Ayurvedic clock, seasonal influences, and diet), as well as time to interact and discuss.  This workshop is for anyone wondering about the basic principles of Ayurveda and how to apply them to one’s own body, mind, and spirit.  Together in pairs, we will use a dosha assessment to determine our current state (vikruti), and use this insight to better understand ourselves (habits, tendencies, patterns, health issues), as well as give us some direction for how to begin return balance to our bodies and minds.  Next “What’s My  Dosha?” workshop:

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*Yoga for Your Dosha: Too much fire in your digestion? Lacking focus? Can’t get moving? Katie will work with you to determine your current imbalances and create a yoga practice to pacify the doshas and bring the body, mind, and spirit in to a place of balance and overall wellness.  This private session includes basic test for your current doshic imbalance and 60-min. private class with a copy of the postures for you to practice at home! Remote dosha test, basic preliminary assessment, and private dosha-balancing class: $75. Group classes too!  Full Ayurvedic Consultation strongly suggested! Or come to our “Dosha Flow” Yoga class on Saturday mornings at 8 am! 


*Sacred Self-Care Workshop or Private Session: Dinacharya is the word we use in Ayurveda for a collection of routines one practices daily/weekly to maintain proper balance in the mind and body.  Routines can include but are not limited to: tongue scraping, neti pot, abhyanga self massage with oil, nasya (nasal oiling), rosewater eyewash, aromatherapy, and creating your own daily tea with appropriate spices for your dosha. Private session to create your very own dinacharya routine: $120 includes tongue scraper, abhyanga oil, and rosewater to take home.  Group workshops available upon request. Next group workshop: $60. Date TBA. Includes your take-home self-care kit!

*Healing Ayurveda Retreat to India: Feb.-Mar. 2023

Ayurvedic Cooking 101~The next class in Katie’s Kitchari Kitchen is coming soon! Learn how to make delicious ghee, savory spice churna, a tangy chutney, and a full-course meal guaranteed to rival the bliss of savasana!  Next workshop: TBA

fullsizerender-3Katie is an affiliate of Maharishi Ayurveda Products (MAPI).  To order herbal formulas, Ayurvedic skin care, massage oils, and more at 10% off your first order, ask for code “dragonfly 10” when you visit MAPI to make your healthy purchase: Katie’s Affiliate Order Pageimages

Katie offers seasonal group and private cleansing in coordination with Banyan Botanicals Ayurvedic Herbs.  


Katie is an affiliate of Lotus Blooming Herbs and believes strongly in the use of Authentic Chyawanprash and Authentic Shilajit for vitality and longevity. Katie’s Affiliate Page